Julien Baptiste on Home:
Home is whatever in your life that stops you from feeling alonevia The Missing, Series Finale, BBC One - Audience foxed by twists in the outro of the first series by Jasper Rees.
Julien Baptiste on Home:
Home is whatever in your life that stops you from feeling alonevia The Missing, Series Finale, BBC One - Audience foxed by twists in the outro of the first series by Jasper Rees.
Brett Rogers on Vision:
you [just] need to refine your vision; usually you can find everything on your doorstepvia Ordinary Beauty: Revisiting Saul Leiter’s pioneering images by Brennavan Sritharan.
Jeffery Saddoris on A Genuine Interest:
"When you take a genuine interest in someone else .. those experiences can be meaningful, transformative and maybe even life changing"via A Genuine Interest by Jeffery Saddoris.